Congregation approves plans for new Family Activity Center

BY: Alex Johnston

How will we shape our church’s next 100 years?

On Saturday, January 28th, the congregation of Highland Park United Methodist Church gathered in a special meeting to hear Senior Minister, Rev. Paul Rasmussen share his vision for the next 100 years of ministry at HPUMC.

Rev. Paul Rasmussen“For the past 18 months, I have been working, praying, and collaborating with church leaders from around our congregation to explore a comprehensive vision to position our church for the next 100 years,” said Rev. Rasmussen

That vision has culminated in the Beyond Campaign, a $65 million initiative that challenges us all to go beyond: beyond our limits, beyond ourselves, and beyond our walls.

The cornerstone of the campaign is a brand-new $38 million building, which will allow the church to expand its ministries in several key areas. The three-story Family Activity Center, which will replace the current Biggers Building, features dedicated space for an expanded Special Needs Ministry and an enhanced Youth Ministry. It will also add 135 parking spaces.

The Beyond Campaign, which received an affirmative vote from the congregation during Saturday’s All Church Conference, also funds new local and global outreach initiatives, a Leadership Institute, restoration ministries, three new church campuses, and more.

“I believe that, with God, all things are possible,” said Rev. Rasmussen. “With God, you have the extraordinary ability to heal and to help, and to boldly change millions of lives in meaningful ways. And we believe that is precisely what God created you to do.”

Rev. Paul Rasmussen will continue to unpack his vision for the Beyond Campaign over the next several weeks through a new sermon series beginning February 4th.

You can view the entire conference message on our videos page.


Beyond Our Limits

We want to provide state of the art facilities to support our church's growing Family and Special Needs ministries.

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Beyond Ourselves

We believe in pouring into future church leaders as well as new campuses where people can grow closer to God.

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Beyond Our Walls

For over one hundred years, HPUMC has held a strong focus on serving our neighbors locally and around the world.

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